Pico de Orizaba (ENG)

Pico de Orizaba

Fun Fact:  Pico de Orizaba is on the border between the states of Veracruz and Puebla. Being the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America (5,636 meters above sea level).

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On our way

On this occasion, I shared the experience with the other 5 crazy people and the guides.

On our way to Tlachichuca, we enjoyed the sights of the mountains and green roads, to then reach the town where we were received with a delicious homemade meal.

We spent the evening at base camp to gain altitude, during which time we had an early dinner and attempted to sleep.  It felt like moments when it was already 1:30 am, we were all up and ready to start our climb.

The Climb

With only our headlight lighting our way we began our hike through slippery slopes and high rocks to climb.  

Initially, breathing seems difficult, and you can feel how the body is making an effort to climb and keep warm with less oxygen.  As we continued to climb our bodies warmed up and made it bearable to enjoy, otherwise being static made us freeze.

After several hours of climbing, we finally reached the glacier “la jampa”, which is the last bit of the peak. 

The Glacier

To climb the glacier, we put on the spikes on our boots and then tied with others of the group for safety.

The inclination of the glacier is steep and the ice is slippery, at times even breaking deep into the snow.   Confronting strong winds, we zig-zagged our way up, until both of my spikes fell off.  It seemed that one of the spikes was larger than the other and they were not properly tied. Luckily our guide built an ice step to hold us from falling and could tie me up enough to continue my way up.

Almost at the top, every step feels like such an effort.  Struggling up, the moment comes! you finally see the peak! It is so close.  In that moment, steps become intentional and with a flavor of victory.  Suddenly, the sight is yours! Everything is at sight: the volcano crater, cities, other mountains and volcanos. 

After photos, a brief snack on the top, enduring the wind and cold, we had to head back down.  Luckily the way down was sunny and fun, even though, we did have a few many falls. Happily reaching base camp again in less than 8 hours.

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Final Thoughts:

The mountain is a mental challenge.  Where even the slightest fear can become a monster and end with all possibility of reaching the peak.

The people that go through the journey with you become your mountain family.  It is a team effort to reach the peak and make it back successfully and safely.

You can see the most amazing views from the top!


Thanks to Mextreme for organizing the entire experience in detail.  Also thanks to the amazing people that shared the experience with me: Karen Cruz, Juan Carlos Mendez, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Raul Gonzalez, and our amazing guides!

If you´re interested in an experience such as this follow @mextream on Instagram for more details.

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