How to get ready for your first virtual marathon in 3 steps

1)    Find the right location

Things to consider:

  • Length of the loop

  • Weather conditions

  • Scenery

  • Amount of people at the location

  • Start Time

 The location is key to having a good running experience, places with too many people are not friendly to run and we are still in the middle of a pandemic. 

 Most places started getting crowded as the morning progresses, so keep in mind opening times and peak hours when choosing your start time.

 When running a long distance, it is ideal to have the course be lengthy course otherwise looping around in a small arena would probably make you dizzy and hurt your knees.

 If the weather allows you to be outside and have a nice view while you run, makes it even more pleasurable.

2)    Support Group (if possible)

 Things to consider in finding a support group:

  • Friends that can pace you. (Pacers)

  • Moral Support

  • Assistance with hydration and nutrition

 While you could do it on your own, having company and assistance always make the journey a lot friendlier.

 If you can´t have friends come over to run or cheer you on, sharing that you will be running with friends and family can give you some extra uplifting words of encouragement to have them present during your run. 

 Psychologically, also sharing that you will do something automatically triggers a feeling of commitment and will keep you on track for when you start feeling tired or low.

 Having someone ride along with you on a bike with your food and water really makes it easier to keep strong and nourished.  Otherwise, you could consider having certain spots along the route where you can pick up your water bottles and gels.

 The alternative would be to carry everything yourself, however, it will make you slower and possibly a bit tired.

I was very lucky to have these two guys to join me on this adventure. I could have not done it without them.

Since I just moved to Milan, I had no idea where to go or how. Marco (in the middle) helped me with the logistics and planning before the marathon. On race day, he rode my bike with a cooler where he carried all our nutrition and hydration. Marco made sure to follow us handing us water and food, cheering on, and documenting! Talk about a great team.

Ruggiero (in red) was initially planning to run a part of the marathon with me and ended up running the entire marathon! He was an amazing pacer and company during the course.

Felt really honored and blessed.

3)    Hydration and nutrition

  • Electrolytes

  • Water

  • Gels - Gummies

  • Fruits

  • Other trail mixes

In training as well as racing, the best advice is to stick to what you already know works the best for you.  If you already know a certain brand of gels makes you feel good keep it.  Be aware of what your body is asking you.

 For Hydration, keep in mind that if you wait until you feel thirsty is already too late.  Constant sips of water and electrolytes every 15 min will keep you hydrated and running.

 The list of things I used for hydration and nutrition during my first virtual marathon:

2 – 450ml water thermal bottles with an electrolyte tab

2 – 500ml commercial isotonic sports drinks

2 – 500ml of water in a soft flask

2 – no caffeine liquid gels

1 – caffeine liquid gel




stef Ibuado