El Nevado de Toluca (ENG)

The Excursion

Early rise on a Saturday morning, after a busy work week, along with a group of people from Internations (expat community from different nationalities) we met at Lincoln Park in Mexico City to start our drive out of the city together.  We drove up to Los Venados National Park, where we had a typical Mexican breakfast. It was important to stay at this height for some time so we could start getting used to the altitude.  After some delicious sopes and local coffee, we began the climb.


The Climb

We started walking through a path filled with trees and plants, however, as we continued we could appreciate less trees and more stones.  Climbing higher up, oxygen starts to decrease and our breathing started to get heavier.  As we worked our way up, we realized that the way became steeper and that we were now surrounded by volcanic rocks.  Once closer to the top, the stones became like moving sand, at which point it became necessary to focus on how and where to take the next step. The faster and lighter, the easier it is to make it up.  Pole in, step, step, pole in and then same routine over again until the top.

During our way, we strengthen our core, arms and legs, practicing conscious breathing and with our sight on the path.  Occasionally making a small stop along the climb becomes essential to take a breather, appreciate the scenery and take some photos.

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The Peak

Once at the peak, we could take in the beauty and perfection of nature.  We could appreciate a feeling of satisfaction and gratefulness of having the opportunity to be standing in sight of such a view.


Final Thoughts

It is said that mountains bring out the best and worst of people, granting us the opportunity to face our fears and conquer them, to practice resilience and keeping our goal to climb up and back down present until its completion.



Thanks to our guide and friend Arturo Esquivel for making this journey possible for us, from organizing to making sure we made our way safely.  If anyone is interested in booking a hike around Mexico City area he can help you. Please contact him at +52 1 5541774563.

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